Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Malibu's Most Wanted

I suppose once you go black... Well, you know the rest. Normally I do one post a day, but this was too great to keep to myself. Black and Whiteouts must be the new thing in high t-shirt sales these days. All over the country, teams are either going black or going white for football games. Virginia Tech went white for their opening game. Go ahead and do a google search. Do you see any white in those home uniforms? I told the Hokies, let Penn State do the white-outs. We should stick to the Orange and Maroon effect. So all that is fine and dandy right? Well, the new thing for college football this week, is the Blackout, and I gotta admit, the "Life as a Hyperbole" is feeling the black trend myself...

So here's the skinny, (yeah, i said skinny). I pay strong attention to 3 teams in college football: Virginia Tech, Alabama, and Appalachian State. 2 of these teams will be playing in a blackout game. Can you guess who?

No, It's not App. State!

Alabama and Virginia Tech are going on the road to host blackout games. Alabama goes to Athens to play Georgia and Virginia Tech to Lincoln to play Nebraska. Both Georgia and Nebraska are doing blackouts. Georgia realizes the impact of this game and decided to go black (I will levee, the uniforms do look cool). Also, Nebraska was once known as the "Black shirt defense". But let's view the jerseys
No Black there...

Not much black there...

So what is the deal? What confuses me more is that these are NIGHT games, in BLACK-Shirt filled stadiums. One lesson that my Mom always told me is if your going to play at night, wear something BRIGHT! Now, i know there are blaring lights in the stadium. I'm not Joe Paterno, we can play night games right now. But won't the Georgia/Nebraska fans tend to blend in with their own team? I can just imagine Matthew Stafford, "Ok, i got the ball, let's see... Well I know who NOT to throw too. But um, all im seeing are red helmets running around...crap". I know, that wont be the case. However, Black and Night....they tend to blend together the last time I checked

Let me put it in perspective here. Appalachian State and Missouri... not doing blackouts today. Nebraska and Georgia, going black. Um, can't we do a promotion like... "The Red Sea"? That's pretty catchy. I'm all about student unity... and blatant commercialism... but um, use the colors that you normally use! That goes for you to Virginia Tech... no more whiteouts.

Blackouts are fine, I'll even let Nebraska and Georgia doing a blackout slide... DO IT ON DIFFERENT WEEKS!

Though, I'm digging the new template scheme... Maybe these two teams have caught on to something...

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